Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bye Bye Mauve!

Three bathrooms, a laundry room, a fireplace, a sun room & the hubby's office to go, and I'll finally be rid of all the mauve that taints my house. The hubby and I have finally settled into our new house and our biggest problem here is that the entire house had been painted mauve --Errrr!!!!!! I'm not just talking about one room here and there, but literally everything, from bead board in the kitchen, the brick fireplace that's in the living room, to all three bathrooms. So as you can probably imagine, mauve is not exactly my color choice of colors (I much prefer the light and airy look). After getting two or three quotes to paint the place, I decided to put the money elsewhere, like some long-awaited reupholstery work-yeah! And Yung Li, my reupholsterer lady, totally agreed! Since Memorial day weekend I've slowly been painting the entire place myself, and the hubby has helped here and there as well! His task this weekend is to paint the fireplace while I'm hitting the Scott Antique Market. So with summer coming to an end, I will be de-mauving the rest of my house!

If you need some help with colors check out House Beautiful's Colors For Your Home

While searching for the perfect warm white I remembered my Italian crazy neighbor Lucialla (back in Nashville) had used Linen White by Benjamin Moore. I discovered Linen White after I had already painted our cottage house back there in Indian White (by Benjamin Moore)...a little too pink but not too bad! However Linen White...I must say...HMMMM! Now for my bathrooms. We'll see what happens!

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