Monday, February 17, 2014

Stocking Up My Bathroom!

January, and sometimes even well into February, I always like to try to rejuvenate myself.  As the saying goes ...New Year -  New You!  But by March, I'm bored with  the process and move on to my garden.  Anyway, back in January, I read this "Pajama Party" and it got me to thinking.  So I decided on a nightshirt because the pajama  pants would  never work for me...I'm just way too short.  AlthoughHabitually Chic said to have them altered, which I would probably never do, and they would drag the floor and drive me crazy like my old Brooks Brothers.  So a new night shirt is in order for me in the pretty hydrangea color.  Of course, the medium has been on back order for a good while.  Also, spotted the one below from Tink And Tiger for just a wee  bit more.  And besides, a pretty night shirt  would be good for traveling--who could argue with that.  Hubby hates it when I steal his t-shirts!

Next item -The  Clarisonic - I'm probably one of the few women who does not own one of these.  Also, after being snowed in last week, this would be great to pamper myself! Don't you think? I normally do organizational things around the house while snowed in...forget that!

A then a few weeks ago on the Today Show, they did they best anti aging products for under 100 my attention!  So far, I bought Vichy Cellu Destock.   And  I have to admit, I like it and will buy another bottle just as soon as I get off austerity.  Hubby asked why I spent 100 at CVS.  I said I was stocking up my bathroom! 

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